Friday 22 June 2007

Miami II

Two posts in one day? You lucky scoundrels. But I'm in an internet cafe (I bought a radiohead cd earlier - I know I'm bad, but it was only released in America - and I'm putting it onto my mp3 player and 'm also looking up live music in Miami (near the new hostel I moved to this morning which is miles nicer and only worse than the other one by a single count - the beautiful playful kittens that lived at cockroach hostel), and, for reasons too tedious to explain, looking on wikipedia for the history of motorcycles. Really) so I thought I might as well.

I met some nice people (the classic way of meeting people and getting into conversation; they asked me how to pronouce 'tzatziki'. We were in a pita shop, I suppose. Naturally I set them straight) earlier called Mike and something possibly Kate I can't remember. They invited me to their house for a jewish celebration of some kind tonight. I think. Anyway, I'm awaiting a text message. And if I dissapear forever tonight, it's because Mike and maybe Kate kidnapped and ate me. Just so you know.


Rosie said...

Trying to work out whether its anti semitic to presume that you will be eaten by Jews at a religious celebration...

Hope you're having fun Joe x

teri said...

Did you get my email? Please reassure me you haven't disappeared and been eaten or otherwise.
Love Nancy-Anne Seancey
p.s watching Glastonbury, rumour that Thom Yorke is there....see, now you're sorry you're over there aren't you?