Friday 8 June 2007


After a yesterday of mainly looking for and partly finding Rock Creek Park, and playing my geetar and reading my book, I'm heading south. Raleigh probably, then Asheville, then all the way on down to Ft Lauderdale. Maybe.

I slept on the balcony here last night, exposed to the world, and it was beautiful. I slept like a pig.


heg said...

well then dickface, didn't tell me about this did you? jah. and of course everyone loves radiohead, what else is there?

anyway, let's discuss your tone. hmm a bit sweepy guardian intellectual but that's to be expected i suppose. more travel details needed perhaps. less sun shining on the water. less author names. more sexcapades. more race war. haven't you even seen big brother?

me x

ps helena's never held a baby. some people never push this planet.

Joey said...

I just checked, and the only author name is 'T S ELiot' and I didn't even write anything about him.

Sweepy guardian intellectual perfectly describes me, so proving i am writing natually and in an uncontrived manner.

Anonymous said...

Right, Nadia says that you emailed her for her address so you could send her things. What about ME, Joey? Huh? What about me? Am I not also your #2 Valentine?