Thursday 7 June 2007


Yesterday I went in a paddle boat on what they call a 'tidal basin', but I secretly suspect of being a lake. It was pretty much in central DC, one minute from the washington monument etc, but still beautiful. The sun kept making the water sparkle in the oddest prettiest way, and the temperature was just right. All the other boats had couples in and they perhaps thought I was odd for going on my own, but I had my book to read, and was completely happy.

I also saw the washington monument and the whitehouse. They were okay.

The day was capped with a military tatoo. What that means is that I sat in glorious evening sun and watched enormous dragonflies dancing to a brass band playing that tune that goes 'doo be doo Bah Bah doo-dahdoo-dah-doo-de-doo-dahdah'. Howitzers fired, monsterous loud. Schoolkids cheered and sung hand-on-heart the national anthem. It was for D-day.

Then I came back to the hostel and slept on my 'couch' and now I'm deciding where to go next. Should I go to asheville? It's a little town, apparently a bit bohemian, but near lots of stunning countryside and good walking. But it's expensive to get to and away from, and I don't know when I need to be in miami.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you got shoes?